210 N Stark Hwy, Weare, NH 03281

Denture Care

Dentist Holding Dentures In Office Room.

Advice and tips on caring for your dentures

  • Only your dental professional is qualified to diagnose your oral health and adjust your denture or partial.
  • Dentures should be brushed inside and outside daily with a soft, large nylon denture tooth brush with round-ended bristles.
  • Use denture creams instead of toothpastes, which are too abrasive and will scratch your denture. Rinse with cold water.
  • Dentures warp if placed in hot water.
  • Inspect your denture regularly for worn teeth.
  • Worn and stained dentures can make you look older and cause your dentures to function poorly.
  • Discuss all your current medications with your doctor and dental professional.
  • Be sure to visit your dental professional regularly.
  • Have loose dentures checked immediately as they can cause friction and pressure on the gum tissues and bones.
  • When not in use, cover dentures with water or a denture-cleaning solution to prevent them from drying out.
  • Most dental insurance policies provide coverage for new dentures every 5 years.
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We go above and beyond for you so you can live the healthiest life possible.


210 N Stark Hwy, Weare, NH 03281



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